Cat Bot Digital

Mobile Phone Survey

About This Survey
Cat Bot Digital is expanding into mobile application development! So we're looking at what kind of phones and operating systems are out there, to drive our development decisions. Obviously, only developing for older devices means that our applications will not be as feature-rich, while only developing for newer devices means that less people will have accessibility to them. That's why your participation in this short survey is so important! We want to find that perfect balance, to be able to bring our applications to as many people as possible, while still utilizing the technologies that are made available through newer devices and operating systems.

Before we get started, please tell us how you found our survey!*

Mobile Phone Information

What mobile device are you using? (Examples: Samsung Galaxy S9, iPhone 12 Mini, Google Pixel 4A XL)*

What OS (operating system) is installed on your mobile device?*

What version of that OS (operating system) is installed on your mobile device?*

For Android users: Open the Settings app. Tap About Phone. Tap Software Information. Enter the number under Android Version.

For iPhone users: Open the Settings app. Go to General > About. Enter the number under Software Version.

How often do you upgrade your mobile device?*

Mobile Applications

What types of applications do you use on your mobile device? (Select as many as apply to you. Please keep this to whether you use the mobile app for this service, not their website.)*

If you could have someone design a mobile app for you, what would you have them create? (Be as detailed as you like! This question is optional and can be skipped.)

Have you ever paid for a mobile app?*

Future Notifications

Are you interested in being notified via email about mobile apps developed by Cat Bot Digital in the future?*

Would you be interested in participating in beta testing any mobile apps developed by Cat Bot Digital?*

If you answered "Yes" to either of the prior questions, please provide your email address.

(This is optional and may be skipped if you answered "No" to both of the prior questions. By providing your email address, you are consenting to future contact from Cat Bot Digital regarding our development of mobile applications, as requested. For more information about how our company handles your data, please refer to our Privacy & Consent Statement, below.)

Privacy & Consent Statement

This is a research project being conducted by Cat Bot Digital. The purpose of this survey is to collect data about mobile device usage, which will be used for the purpose of software development. Anyone that uses a mobile device is invite to participate in this survey, which should only take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Participation is completely voluntary and you may withdraw from participating at any time.

Your responses will be confidential and all data is stored in a password protected, encrypted database. Although your email address is requested at the end of the survey, you are not required to provide it and it will not be connected to your answers in any way. The results of the survey will only be used by Cat Bot Digital, for the analytical purposes stated here, and will not be made available to any third parties at any time. Cat Bot Digital will not sell your information and you will not receive unsolicited contact from our company, ever.

Completing and submitting the survey implies that you understand and agree to the provisions in this Privacy & Consent Statement.

If you have provided us with your email address and would like to opt out of future contact, please email us at and ask to have your email address removed from our lists. We will remove you from all future mailings and delete your email address from our systems.